
A Tale of Two Cities? Try 77.

A couple of days ago, I shared some pictures of my beloved Chicago, more specifically, my neighborhood, Bucktown.

Things have been calmer the last 48 hours in Bucktown, but the difference between rest and unrest can be a fine line in a city. I took my first walk around since the weekend, and I saw a lot of pain, remnants of destruction, countless tributes to George Floyd and others who have lost their lives, but also beauty, hope and helpers.

They say Chicago is a tale of two cities— North and South, but it is really 77 cities woven into one.

I still hold my breath when I hear of a protest, hoping it won’t turn violent and that cooler heads will prevail. The only thing I can hope for is progress. Incremental steps forward everyday.

I know a lot of organizations are looking for answers, actions, a new playbook. It’s ok not to have one just yet- the commitment to change and to do something different is more important right now. The issues of systemic racism and bias have been so deeply entrenched for centuries- fight to urge to “fix”.

Declare your intent.

Then look, listen and learn.

Sharing some new pictures — some might see spray paint and boards. I saw inspiration and hope.

Be well & stay well,



Music & Meals

I have to be honest; I was not going to write today.


School in Illinois was cancelled the rest of the year and I was hearing stories on how difficult it was for small businesses to secure PPP funds, if they were able to at all.

I don’t think there is any business owner, big or small, that WANTS to take money; they’d rather be open, hustling, and serving their customers. But they have to SURVIVE.

Then I heard on the news today— the average restaurant has enough cash to remain viable for ~16 days. The margins are so thin.

I froze.

We’ve been shut down for more than 33. Maybe more. #lostcount

I worked in Corporate America for nearly 20 years. By contrast, my father has been an entrepreneur his whole life.

He owns a restaurant in the suburbs, D&J Bistro, in Lake Zurich, Illinois. Here he is in action.

My Dad.

My Dad.

He has been open for 32 YEARS.

His place has outlasted pretty much everyone, through disasters, crisis, even through the Cubs World Series Championship year when no one was going out to eat at a French bistro!

My parents are immigrants to this country. They came to Chicago from Japan more than four decades ago, as the story goes, just for a little trip— and then they stayed.

I can’t imagine life in the early days was easy. They had to learn English. I never really saw credit cards growing up; everything was paid for by cash. Only what we could afford. My dad worked crazy hours— because that’s what the industry demands.

My mom stayed at home and shouldered the majority of the parenting for me and brother. I always say it’s a damn miracle that both of us went to college, post-grad, and are tax-paying, law-abiding citizens. As are my parents, who became naturalized citizens almost 20 years ago.

This is not a political post. But I did come to a realization today. (Probably a little late to the punch, but better late than never)

The Government cannot save everyone. There are many businesses, big and small, that will not make it. If we rely on funds or programs to help our friends and businesses out— they will not make it.

When everything was shut down— like every other small business owner, my dad and his business partner had HOURS to make a decision.

  • Do they close?

  • Try carry out/ delivery?

  • Would people order?

  • French food— while delicious— is not really known as carry out fare.

They made to call to give it a go.

Let me make this clear— I never wanted to be in the restaurant industry. It’s a really hard life. It’s hard on families, because when everyone else is celebrating— you are in a kitchen. I kind of resented it, to be honest. But as I grew older— of course, I started to understand the sacrifice, the hours, the drive.

But the restaurant has been part of the foundation that has made me who I am today, even if I didn’t work there. It’s paid for my education, it put food on our table, clothes on our backs. Essentially, the American Dream.

D&J had a website, but it was static and couldn’t take online payments. Since I had been tinkering around with my own business website— we got a new one up within a day in order to take online payments.

“Gift Cards, Dad, people will buy gift cards!” I told him.

I’ve been *busting* into suburban mom Facebook groups to spread the word via social media. I share so many posts with my own FB friends that I am sure everyone is getting sick of it— but if people are selling makeup, oils, supplements— well, then I figure I can too. The support has been incredible.

I am going to digress a little- stay with me.

My youngest daughter takes a toddler music class. Her teacher’s name is Ann Torralba, and she is known as Little Miss Ann!

Little Miss Ann

Little Miss Ann

She’s really awesome— a former CPS teacher, mom, a full time musician— and she not only teaches at the Old Town School of Music (a Chicagoland mainstay), but plays gigs all over the place…even Lollapalooza and SXSW. She’s on Spotify!

I mean, if I was on Spotify, the whole world would know about it.

Since the shutdown, Ann has turned to FB and Instagram to host virtual concerts. They are everyday at 10am and she alternates the platforms. Musicians, performers— we know they are hurting too. No more concerts, at least not for now. And no more classes.

Her virtual concerts are free, but she takes donations, and we tune in at least 3-4 times a week to jam. My littlest rocks out and dances up a storm.

Another friend was hosting a virtual concert with a popular kids musician— so I thought.. hey— no reason why we couldn’t do the same? So we set it up for Sunday (4/19/2020)— a little pre-Earth Day Jam for the kids.

Just a $10 donation, and we thought it would be so cool to have a little show with all of our friends and family on, right?

Back to my dad …

D&J decided to join forces with a local hospital, Advocate Good Shepherd— for their “Meals for Heroes” program. People could “donate” a meal for the frontliners— and his team would prepare and take all of the donated meals over.

We put up the link last Friday.

TODAY, his team took 300 meals to the hospital.

During an April snowstorm.

Pick UP!

Pick UP!

Getting ready!

Getting ready!

Wouldn’t you be BEYOND HAPPY to eat that after your shift?

Wouldn’t you be BEYOND HAPPY to eat that after your shift?

The even better news is that they’re doing it again next Friday— and already have donations for 150+ and counting.


Today, Ann reached out to me and said she wanted to donate half of her proceeds from Sunday’s virtual jam to my dad’s program.

Talk about paying it forward. And I realized— all we can do to help these small businesses and our friends, is we need to help OURSELVES. We need to take it into our own hands to get it done.

I am not an award-winning musician, nor am I an award-winning chef.

What am I good at? Powerpoint. Storytelling. 18 years in Corporate America and 2 years as a journalist, remember?

So I decided to write this blog and create this powerpoint graphic— just look at the chain of goodness that results from one act.

Look at how far than $10 donation takes us.


If you have money— this is how you can amplify it!

If you don’t have money— you can write a kind note of encouragement. You can write a Yelp review. You can “share” a post on Facebook and spread the word. You can put up signs in your windows and sing for the frontliners. You can say, “thank you.”

So today was my realization that while everyday might not feel productive— we can, and SHOULD all contribute.

Do it your own way. You do you.

My deepest gratitude to everyone who has reached out and donated. Not enough words for me to express what is in my heart.

Be well, stay well,


Today... was a good day.

I was talking to a dear friend earlier this week, and she said, “Jean, when I read your blogs, it’s like you’re talking to me.” So Erin Ellis, this one’s for you!

As tough as Tuesday was, Thursday was a winner.

I was grateful today for a sunny day, an engaging work call, and my 8-year-old doing schoolwork (at least the minimum amount)

But what really lifted my spirits was being able to help two of my friends who are on the front lines of CV19. One friend from HS put on her Instagram that her neurosurgeon husband needed some masks to wear over his PPE. Another friend of mine, who is a gastroenteroligist, needed the same.

Enter my sister in law, Kristin. She has a great heart, is super creative and is such a good human. I really love her. This is us last year in Japan visiting our family…it’s an awesome pic isn’t it? #alltheblossoms

Jean Kiki sakura.JPG

So— Kristin can SEW! Last week, she offered to make masks, and I told her I’d take some for my healthcare friends. They may look simple, but they are not easy to make, the cutting, the pleating, then the sewing. Let me tell you, the ones she are making are double layered, and really durable. (If you are impressed with her mask pleating… you should see her gyoza she makes!)


I wanted to help— so I volunteered to cut masks so she could concentrate on sewing. I didn’t have fabric, but I did have the blackout curtains I just replaced in our bedroom— so I started cutting 9x6 rectangles. Each mask she makes uses two rectangles, and the curtains were actually perfect because they are double layered.

(Thank you for your service, West Elm curtains!)

drapes cutting.JPG

Once I started cutting, I had a couple of revelations…

1) This is why my new drapes cost so much. Cutting fabric straight is basically like walking a tightrope. Impossible.

2) This is why I’m an HR person and not an atelier.

Because the docs were on call and working this weekend, we wanted to get some to them today. I drove down to my SIL’s apt, picked up the 5 masks she made; dropped off my fabric and delivered them to my friends… first stop — the Alberts. This is my close friend, Rachel— and her husband is Dr. Andrew Albert.


Next stop…The Boyers…and here is Dr. Jerrel Boyer modeling his new gear.


Two doctors. Two families. 5 masks.

It didn’t seem like so much, but they were so grateful— they have been so concerned for their patients, their own families, our city. They are in my thoughts and prayers always. These are moments I will always remember.

As soon as I got home— Kristin texted me…the needle on her sewing machine broke… GAH!!! No replacement until Saturday.

Facebook groups to the rescue!!! I put out an SOS to my neighborhood FB group— within 5 minutes I had responses. I picked them up, dropped them back off at her apartment. #handoff

jean kiki handoff.jpg

BOOM! Back in business!

So Kiki (that’s what I call her) is going to keep sewing, and I’m going to keep cutting masks in the evenings. It is not a high powered operation, but it is making a difference for at least two families. And that is enough for us.

I am also “paying” her in cookies. Again, I can’t sew. But I can cut, drive, and bake really good Potbelly copycat cookies.

And if you need HR solutions, career coaching or advice, that’s my day job.

Be well, stay well—



Friends and colleagues…

How many times have you told yourself, this is NOT the time for XYZ.

I have uttered those same words many a times— and in some cases, I have been right, and others— 100% wrong.

Today, I’ve decided to take a huge step forward for me personally and let you know I’m open for business. As many of you know, I left GE/ Wabtec last October to take some time and recharge my batteries. It has been a time of self-discovery and exploration — and it’s not all about rainbows and butterflies (more about THAT later!)

Over the past couple of months, I’ve thought to myself, “this is not the right time because of my kid’s school schedule, this is not the right time because we have vacation coming up, this is not the right time because I need to go work out.” I’ve done some 1:1 coaching work, but I hadn’t pulled the ripcord. And finally, at the doorstep of a global pandemic…

I’ve decided the time is NOW.

If I’m being honest, this is the first time I’ve missed “working” since I left Corporate America for a couple of reasons… I’ve missed the camaraderie of working with a team, I miss having a regular rhythm, and above all, I miss the ability to contribute and help. I recently posted on LinkedIn, and it was viewed more than 10,000 times. Once I saw that, I understood I needed to get out there.

For those of you who know me and my work— you know I’m a gritty, candid HR person that just gets it done. I will collaborate, but drive to get results. We will dialogue and get there together.

Everyone has been affected by our recent times in one way or another— if I can be of help, for your Company or you as an individual— please reach out and let’s talk.

Stay safe & sanitized my friends!

xo, Jean

time is NOW.PNG