#sorrynotsorry. The Case for Thank You.

A couple of years ago, this BBC news clip went viral. I watched it on a loop and remember my stomach hurting from laughing hysterically.

I remember commiserating with my workmates, and seriously wishing I could walking into every meeting like THAT kid.

Dad was a real pro— remained relatively calm as he politely gave his kid a Heisman in the face.

Mom came RACING in frantically …. nearly faceplanting while trying to get a hold of the flying saucer (aka baby) and her oldest who was marching like she was leading the Rose Parade.

And considering the interview topic (North Korea!) the timing wasn’t great. (live TV is generally not great timing)

But isn’t that what made it all so … REAL and hilarious?

Last week, my husband, who’s been working from the basement office since his voice carries, texted us that the footsteps upstairs were LOUD.

He had an important meeting with senior leaders and I’m sure it was difficult to concentrate. But honestly, I was not feeling too sympathetic— because isn’t that EVERYONE right now???

Many of us struggle to maintain our sanity on any given “normal” day— During Covid— just maintaining is utterly exhausting.

During Covid, our daily checklist looks like this (at least mine does):

  • Stay healthy

  • Stay indoors

  • Get fresh air, but don’t get near anyone

  • Eat healthy

  • But don’t go to the grocery store often

  • Take vitamins

  • Drink wine

  • But too much wine will disrupt your sleep

  • Sleep is important to health

  • Scour the internet for TP, hand sanitizer and wipes

  • Join every Facebook group and follow every # to get real time alerts on which Target has TP in stock

  • Cook healthy meals for you and / or your family every day

  • Prepare all homeschool lessons a day in advance

  • Manage 2nd grade social calendar and ensure Zoom meetings aren’t hacked by creepers.

You know what I’m saying. It’s just A LOT to manage.

So back to our expert guy— he gets interrupted and he apologizes PROFUSELY. Last week, I got interrupted by my daughter last week and I apologized profusely. It’s definitely a “normal” response.

But you know what? None of this is normal— so here’s a thought.

Replace “sorry”… with “thank you”.

Thanks for your patience!

Thanks for saying hi to my kid!

Thanks for letting me see your dog!

Thanks for hanging in there with me!

Give yourself and those you work with the space and compassion to be a human being. Now is not the time to assess someone’s “executive presence”.

If we can give the permission to ourselves to be a little less perfect, we can do the same for others and be stronger after all of this is in the rear view mirror.

In the words of the Queen:

"We will succeed - and that success will belong to every one of us.”

Damn. She’s good.

And so are you.


PS: Link below to the clip. You have to.



Friends and colleagues…

How many times have you told yourself, this is NOT the time for XYZ.

I have uttered those same words many a times— and in some cases, I have been right, and others— 100% wrong.

Today, I’ve decided to take a huge step forward for me personally and let you know I’m open for business. As many of you know, I left GE/ Wabtec last October to take some time and recharge my batteries. It has been a time of self-discovery and exploration — and it’s not all about rainbows and butterflies (more about THAT later!)

Over the past couple of months, I’ve thought to myself, “this is not the right time because of my kid’s school schedule, this is not the right time because we have vacation coming up, this is not the right time because I need to go work out.” I’ve done some 1:1 coaching work, but I hadn’t pulled the ripcord. And finally, at the doorstep of a global pandemic…

I’ve decided the time is NOW.

If I’m being honest, this is the first time I’ve missed “working” since I left Corporate America for a couple of reasons… I’ve missed the camaraderie of working with a team, I miss having a regular rhythm, and above all, I miss the ability to contribute and help. I recently posted on LinkedIn, and it was viewed more than 10,000 times. Once I saw that, I understood I needed to get out there.

For those of you who know me and my work— you know I’m a gritty, candid HR person that just gets it done. I will collaborate, but drive to get results. We will dialogue and get there together.

Everyone has been affected by our recent times in one way or another— if I can be of help, for your Company or you as an individual— please reach out and let’s talk.

Stay safe & sanitized my friends!

xo, Jean

time is NOW.PNG