
A Tale of Two Cities? Try 77.

A couple of days ago, I shared some pictures of my beloved Chicago, more specifically, my neighborhood, Bucktown.

Things have been calmer the last 48 hours in Bucktown, but the difference between rest and unrest can be a fine line in a city. I took my first walk around since the weekend, and I saw a lot of pain, remnants of destruction, countless tributes to George Floyd and others who have lost their lives, but also beauty, hope and helpers.

They say Chicago is a tale of two cities— North and South, but it is really 77 cities woven into one.

I still hold my breath when I hear of a protest, hoping it won’t turn violent and that cooler heads will prevail. The only thing I can hope for is progress. Incremental steps forward everyday.

I know a lot of organizations are looking for answers, actions, a new playbook. It’s ok not to have one just yet- the commitment to change and to do something different is more important right now. The issues of systemic racism and bias have been so deeply entrenched for centuries- fight to urge to “fix”.

Declare your intent.

Then look, listen and learn.

Sharing some new pictures — some might see spray paint and boards. I saw inspiration and hope.

Be well & stay well,




Friends and colleagues…

How many times have you told yourself, this is NOT the time for XYZ.

I have uttered those same words many a times— and in some cases, I have been right, and others— 100% wrong.

Today, I’ve decided to take a huge step forward for me personally and let you know I’m open for business. As many of you know, I left GE/ Wabtec last October to take some time and recharge my batteries. It has been a time of self-discovery and exploration — and it’s not all about rainbows and butterflies (more about THAT later!)

Over the past couple of months, I’ve thought to myself, “this is not the right time because of my kid’s school schedule, this is not the right time because we have vacation coming up, this is not the right time because I need to go work out.” I’ve done some 1:1 coaching work, but I hadn’t pulled the ripcord. And finally, at the doorstep of a global pandemic…

I’ve decided the time is NOW.

If I’m being honest, this is the first time I’ve missed “working” since I left Corporate America for a couple of reasons… I’ve missed the camaraderie of working with a team, I miss having a regular rhythm, and above all, I miss the ability to contribute and help. I recently posted on LinkedIn, and it was viewed more than 10,000 times. Once I saw that, I understood I needed to get out there.

For those of you who know me and my work— you know I’m a gritty, candid HR person that just gets it done. I will collaborate, but drive to get results. We will dialogue and get there together.

Everyone has been affected by our recent times in one way or another— if I can be of help, for your Company or you as an individual— please reach out and let’s talk.

Stay safe & sanitized my friends!

xo, Jean

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