It’s Monday, January 24th— and if you’ve read a couple of my blogs, you know I write about what’s top of mind right now.
And what’s at the top of the list right now is … SNOW. The cold, white stuff. And what I am listening to now is slushy snow and cars spinning their wheels trying to navigate the drifts piled up in gutters and city alleys.
Happy New Year, friends and colleagues!
My personal rule is anything before the 15th is game for a hearty "Happy New Years" greeting, so I consider myself coming in just under the wire for 2022. Eleven days in and already so much noise in the universe, at least from my perspective!
Last week, I watched incredulously as the incomparable Simone Biles did something many of us haven’t seen before.
As a fan, it was confusing.
Everyone has a story and this is ours. Perhaps there are some that believe this doesn’t belong on a business page; as a business owner, an HR executive, a coach, a woman, and a mother — I KNOW it belongs for so many reasons.
1 in 4 families struggle with infertility and loss. If there was something you could do to understand what 25% of your employees, clients, vendors, etc are going through… wouldn’t you try and learn?
My hope is that this is the beginning of that journey.
What do allergy shots have to do with risk tolerance??? Find out in Shots, Shots, Shots, Part 1.
Sometimes I find inspiration in some really random ways….today’s blog was prompted by all of the great pics I’ve seen of summer interns…and also a childhood favorite.— Full House.
What is gaman and how might it help us? Just a little PSA from yours truly as we head into the holiday weekend…
What does Ron Burgundy have to do with your resume? So much! You have no idea!
Click on my latest post… it may not be the best advice you get all day (it could be), but mainly because no other HR professional is going to use Anchorman as their inspiration.