Details matter…here’s why.
Are You Ready? Yes? Then tell me who’s on your team.
You’ve probably heard of a concept called the “personal board of directors”. PBOD for short.
It has been around for awhile and even if you haven’t given it formal think time, you probably have your PBOD and use them already.
But given that we’re in some times, it’s probably worth reassessing— it’s a new day, and you should know who is on your Corona Contingency Council.
Corporate Board of Directors refresh members all the time, adding capability and perspective where they need guidance— and upgrading where it’s not enough. They count on Boards to keep them honest. There is no doubt that some organizations have better BOD’s than others. Quality matters.
So in no particular order, here are some of the folks I have in my circle.
The Sage … they have experiences upon experiences. They’ve LIVED with the decisions they’ve made and learned some tough lessons— Lessons that they will share with you, and that you will benefit from. Part storyteller, part magic 8 ball— they’ll give you the real deal.
The Ass Kicker … they are the ones who will not let you off the hook and make excuses. They know how to pivot, think on their feet and they will do the same for you. When you say, “I don’t think that will work because of XYZ”— they will give you an alternative and make you rethink it why you’re not stepping up. They evaluate and make decisions.
They are the person who is not afraid to say, “I won’t”, but you’ll never hear, “I can’t.” Because they CAN.
The Guru … they may not KNOW the answers to everything, but they help you ASK YOURSELF the right questions so you uncover the answers. They don’t have the precise directions, but they’ll help you uncover the road map! The path to enlightenment— if you will!
The Cheerleader … for me, this is my best girlfriend who will tell me how pretty I look, even if I just tried to give myself some DIY highlights which resulted in orange hair. They are unending in their support and love. They make you feel great and tell you you’re doing to crush it ALL THE TIME.
(Even when your hair is orange.)
The One Who Knows Stuff You Don’t (but don’t feel dumb asking) … this person is a safe space. It’s the person who is potentially the exact opposite of who you are and what you know, but you can ask then ANYTHING and they will explain patiently will never poke fun. The beauty about this relationship? It’s highly likely that you return the favor for them!
E.g. My nemesis is math. Literally, I am not good with numbers. Do I have a phone-a-friend when it comes to understanding a financial statement or an accounting principle? You bet I do.
I used to love Columbo.
The Expert … they are steeped in domain. They know how things work— not at a 10,000 ft level, but zoomed ALL THE WAY IN. They understand the tiniest details that seem relatively insignificant to the lay person, and they know ALL the show stoppers.
They may even annoy you at times because you just want to go-go-go, but they’ll save you because they look at the fine print.
The One Who Talks You Off the Ledge … they are one of the lines of defense to preserve your mental health & sanity. When you are frustrated, they let you vent. When you are sad, they listen with empathy. They hold your hand (virtually, in a socially distant way). They make you feel heard. And when you need help, they will encourage you to see out the professionals.
The One Who Makes You Laugh … this is the one that reminds you not to take yourself so seriously. It’s not brain surgery. (unless it is) … then they are the one who puts things in the proper perspective and context. And they will do it in a way that doesn’t minimize the situation— just helps remind you in their own way, that “this too shall pass".
If you don’t have someone who’d text you this below….well, you just need them in your life.
Things are going to be different when we get back to the “new normal”. Your business will change, your team dynamics will have shifted, your job may be different.
YOU may be different. You might be already.
So make sure that your Board is at the ready. You never know when you’re going to call on them.
Be well, stay well!