You're so vain... actually, I am!

Friends, I was going to write about something very meaningful and thought-provoking today, on how we thought the world post-Covid, post apocalypse, might look like and feel like.

Then I found something better.

A #protip!

Some of you might be clued in already, but when I put it up on my personal Facebook page, people’s minds seemed to be blown.

So I’ve recently discovered ZOOM. It’s a great collaboration platform— I’ve used skype, Webex, google, etc in my prior lives, but Zoom is new to me, and I really like the functionality of it. It’s easy and intuitive.

I realized I had an issue with my video yesterday when I was catching up with an former colleague (hi Dave Telep!) when half of my screen was dark and kind of ombred out.

So I start fiddling around this AM to figure out what’s wrong with my video, and I found the best ZOOM feature YET.


Technically, it’s called “Touch up my appearance” and IT IS MAGIC.

I’m thinking in about a week or so, we’re all going to be wishing we got that haircut/ color that we’d been meaning to squeeze in. And then we got locked down. So in the meantime, if you’re on Zoom, go ahead & touch yourself up. My motto…#lookgood, #feelgood.

Now you can just focus on saying smart and important things :)

Be well and stay well! More substantive thoughts to come tomorrow.


PS: I took a little screenshot below so you can see where this handy feature is! This is me after a workout!

PPS: the original issue was actually a user error— it wasn’t Zoom at all, and I figured out that one as well. (hit the F10!)

touch up.PNG