Look for the Helpers (a.k.a. leaders)


You are looking at Mr. Rogers and thinking,

Jean has gone soft on us.

Nope, not even for a second.

When you’re working in a team and crisis hits— there is an immediate and drastic reaction. It’s like those painful leg cramps you get in the middle of the night and all you can do it punch at it for awhile. And then it’s sore for a couple of days. GAH!

Back to the teams! If you haven’t noticed already, people’s reactions to stress… to grief… to crisis… are all over the board, everything seizes up. Naturally, you are going to look to your most prominent leaders in your organization— and they may deliver for you (and I really hope they do!) —but some may not be able to process what is happening — for whatever reason.

And that might be really confusing, because you’ll think,

What is happening with my trusted leader? Why can’t they make a decision? Why aren’t they thinking clearly?

And here’s what you do with that — you’re going to find compassion and give them the time they need to work through their stuff.

However, if you watch and listenyou will find your true pillars. The ones who provide stability and the foundation for the rest of your team. When it comes to leadership, you will find leaders emerge AT ALL LEVELS.

The beauty here is that it could be ANYONE! A clerk. A newly appointed leader of people. The Administrative Assistant. The Technical One who just kept their head down and programmed code. The Mid Level process owner who is rock solid at owning a process, but never had the opportunity to shine. A line cook. The Cashier.

And when I say it’s a thing of beauty, I’m not exaggerating. You will find untapped potential— in your own proverbial backyard. And when all of this is over, they will have built confidence— and you will have a new *superstar*. So my friends, like Fred’s mom said, look for the helpers.

Look for the leaders. They are there.

Be well, stay well!


PS: Have you seen some already? If you have, TELL THEM! (or tag them!)

PPS: I’m hoping these are helpful reminders. Also, I’m hoping you’ll share them if they are!