We MADE it. Friday.

We made it, people! One more week.

Have you gotten used to Covid-life yet? I haven’t. I’ve talked to a lot of people this week and the thing that I heard the most was, “I feel like I’m all over the place.” Ditto for me. Maybe it would be easier if I was 20 years younger…but maybe not?

The experts say it’s normal to feel distracted, stressed, anxious— what I think I’ve been going through (again, not a mental health professional) is that I’ve been “grieving” my pre-Covid life.

Not in a morbid way— but in a, “I-really-miss-my-regular-life-way”. I miss walking my daughter to school. I miss going to the store and not worrying about who touched what. I’d love nothing more to be meeting with clients over a cup of coffee than meet on my computer. I find myself missing my old team, the camaraderie and the contagious laughter.

Then I found this the other day.

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It’s a handout from a workshop I attended about grief & change. And I thought— man, this is EXACTLY what I’m feeling. (the pic on the right)

I always thought healing was linear. It is decidedly not. Sometimes I’m feeling super productive, and other times, not at all.

I hope you can give yourselves and your co-workers (or your family!) the permission to bounce around the right side of the page.

We’re going to have our moments— so let’s just do our best.

Just do it inside :)

Be well, stay well— until Monday, my friends!


PS: Have you thought about what it’s going to be like when we all do resume normal activities? What our offices, interactions, business/ leisure travel— what will it look like? I’m thinking it’s going to be different, I’m not sure how, but it’s really interesting to think about… stay tuned!